
How to Block Websites on a Mac

If you’re a Mac person and need to block certain websites, then there are methods to move about it. In this Buzzle article, we show you a few simple ways to restrict access to websites on a Macintosh computer.

TAGGED UNDER: Blocking Websites


Users /nm./: collective term for folks who use computer systems. Users are divided into three types: novice, intermediate, and expert. Novice Users: those who are afraid that virtually pressing a key would possibly wreck their computer. Intermediate Users: those who don’t know how to restore their pc once they’ve pressed a key that broke it.
Expert Users: folks who spoil different people’s computer systems.

The Jargon File

If we look around us these days, we’re going to see greater humans belonging to the third class than in any of the opposite. Add the Internet to the phenomenon of laptop operation expertise, and you have the pressure that can take you locations. There are facets to each coin, and the Internet is no exception. As much as moderation is the important thing to happiness and fulfillment in the actual world, it is equally genuine within the virtual global as properly. Nowadays, it isn’t always an unusual sight to discover youngsters sticking their noses into the laptop display, attacking the keyboard with all their juvenile fury, spending extra time on the Internet than with their parents or siblings. This, coupled with a growing fashion of Internet dependency in adults and teenagers, results in various people inquiring approximately ways to dam various web sites on different net browsers that pose distractions within the everyday path of personal, professional, and social existence.

How to Block a Website on a Mac System

There are two ways in which you may block get admission to websites on a Mac. You can either exercise the Parental Controls choice that is available inbuilt with Mac structures, or you can use the HOSTS record to dam websites.

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Blocking Through Parental Controls Option

Here’s how you could block distracting and adverse websites in a Mac from the OS itself. This option has a restricted scope as you could best area very particular regulations as supplied beneath the Safari browser. Click on, and open System Preferences. There, you will discover the Parental Controls choice. In case there are a couple of consumer accounts in your device, you may specify which consumer account you wish to allow the limit. You also can create a password-included block. Once you have carried out the above-cited moves, click on Enable Parental Controls. A menu will open so that you can ask you to set the control parameters for the net browser and other relevant applications which you use on your Mac.

Next, click on the Content tab, and choose the restricted alternatives furnished for the Safari browser. You can either pick which sorts of websites to block from the alternatives provided with the aid of Safari, or you could create a list of websites to which you want to get admission. For the latter, you need to choose the Allow Access To Only These Websites alternative and create a listing of the sites you need access to. In this example, you’ll no longer be able to get Safari to open any website other than the ones especially blanketed by using you within the above-cited list. Once you’ve performed, you could go out Parental Controls and in the end System Preferences. The regulations can be saved robotically through the OS.

Blocking Through the HOSTS File

If you want to block get admission to on all browsers, then that is the manner to move. You will want to have Mac OS X to do this. Launch the Terminal software. Open the Utility folder in the Applications folder. There you will discover the Terminal software. Just double-click on its icon to run it. Make a backup of the HOSTS document and type sudo/bin/cp/and much others/hosts/and so on/hosts-original within the Terminal pane. Hit ENTER when you’ve done so. You could be requested for the device password that you need to provide. Once this has been achieved, type sudo/Applications/TextEdit.App/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit/and so on/hosts inside the Terminal.

This will cause the HOSTS document to open in TextEdit. Once all the automated localhost lines have seemed, the kind in 127.Zero.0.1 abc.Com and www.Abc.Com, ABC is the website’s name online that you need to block. You can block a couple of websites this way by simply adding the names/ URLs of the specific websites in the style referred to above. Exit TextEdit and store the HOSTS report while the machine prompts you to accomplish that. Run the ds cache until -flush cache command in the Terminal to set off the new HOSTS document and flush the DNS. This technique can be reversed using the identical steps noted above to access the HOSTS file and delete the lines containing the blocked URLs.

There is some other to block websites on a Mac―download and install the SelfControl software. This software is well-matched with OS X 10.5 and above and efficaciously blocks any website or mail server (both incoming and outgoing) for a particular period of time. This system can’t be undone by using any action, no longer even through restarting your computer. The only manner to regain access to the blocked websites is to attend out the timer. In a manner, this technique is better than the OS level blocks, and the password included blocks, as whilst you yourself have the important thing to unencumber, it rarely makes the experience to place up barricades.

About author

Extreme tv nerd. Analyst. Typical web lover. Food guru. Pop culture ninja. Twitter fanatic. Set new standards for licensing accordians with no outside help. Garnered an industry award while writing about country music in Prescott, AZ. Earned praise for creating marketing channels for action figures in Los Angeles, CA. Earned praise for analyzing glucose in Suffolk, NY. Had some great experience developing strategies for Roombas in Ohio. Won several awards for working on dolls in the aftermarket.
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