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Great Tips to Design Effective Banner Ads

Banner advertising is a part of traditional digital marketing. Nearly all types and scale of businesses use it for their online promotion. But, what has brought to the popularity of this type of promotion? The major reason is its affordability, other reasons being its easy usage and assessment of precise results.

 Design Effective Banner Ads

However, today, the internet is flooded with millions of banner ads, and getting your ad recognizable among them is not an easy task. Moreover, people consider these ads as a mere distraction while working and do not prefer clicking them. The viewers ignore even a well-designed banner ad if it doesn’t interest them. So, how to entice your viewer to click it? Well, there are various design guidelines for making your banner ads irresistible to customers. Have a look at the list of tips to design banners for effective marketing promotions-

Structure of Banner Ad

Designing a proper structure for the ad and prioritizing the elements in the right order plays a crucial role in contributing to the banner’s effectiveness. Make sure you include your company’s name & logo, the value proposition, visual representation of your service, and most importantly, a call-to-action button in the banner. The logo is your business’s identity and should be placed at the top to give it more mileage. The value proposition and call-to-action message should be placed in a way that they are easily distinguishable. The images used should represent your company’s products or services and should be attractive and not overpowering the other elements of the ad.

Ideal Size

Another factor affecting the click-through rate of a banner ad is its size. The sizes of banners vary depending upon where they have to be posted. There are some standard sizes that Google Adsense recognizes as most effective and successful-

  • Leader Board (728×90px)
  • Half Page (300×600px )
  • Medium Rectangle (300×250px)
  • Large Rectangle (336×280px)

There are other supported sizes as well; however, the ones mentioned above are known to give the best results.


You would obviously want people’s attention by flaunting your company’s expertise, but that doesn’t call for stuffing the layout with unnecessary information. Please don’t go overboard with text, images, or other elements, confusing the viewers. Highlight the core message, i.e., your products or service’s unique selling points, to stimulate the viewers to explore it. Besides, make sure that the banner is visually appealing. The colors should catch the human eye’s attention and should complement the logo and the brand identity of the company at the same time.

Loading Time

After posting your banner ads, you want them to load on a web page as quickly as possible so that your target audience can see them easily and interact with them further. But this is possible only if the file size of your banner ad is kept to a minimum. Creating a massive file for your ad will take a lot of time to load and leave a bad user experience for the viewers.

About author

Extreme tv nerd. Analyst. Typical web lover. Food guru. Pop culture ninja. Twitter fanatic. Set new standards for licensing accordians with no outside help. Garnered an industry award while writing about country music in Prescott, AZ. Earned praise for creating marketing channels for action figures in Los Angeles, CA. Earned praise for analyzing glucose in Suffolk, NY. Had some great experience developing strategies for Roombas in Ohio. Won several awards for working on dolls in the aftermarket.
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